keliz Continous Professional support for teachers.

keliz Continous Professional support for teachers. keliz Continous Professional support for teachers. keliz Continous Professional support for teachers. keliz Continous Professional support for teachers. keliz Continous Professional support for teachers.

A concept paper to conduct refresher courses to teachers of nursery schools and Day care-centers, 0-8 years.

ECD is the Early Childhood Development. This is the systematic and continual Human development of children between 0-8 years to continue grow spiritually, socially, intelligently, emotionally and physically.
Our trainings are tailored to the above domains as per the national framework for childhood training to ensure teachers raise and care for children putting into consideration the head, heart and the hands. (A holistic approach).
Our trainings are staged in local school coordinating centers with support from zonal leaders and CCTs.
We have the philosophy that conducting trainings from local communities/ zones, all teachers from ECD schools will participate for a uniformed schools professional development.
About KeLiZ Publishers.
• Keliz Publishers is company limited by shares. We develop, print and publish educational instructional materials for schools, with specialized competence in Early Childhood Development learning and instructional materials. Both learners and teacher’s materials.
• We are proud to be the best ECD books writers and publishers in Uganda, because they are in line with the developed learning framework as developed and passed by NCDC/ MoES. The books are renown by their common title; “Modern Guides for Early Childhood Development” books.
• We conduct continual teacher’s Professional refresher sessions in conjunction with local school leaders.
Trainings for teachers take 6 cycles. Each session addresses three modules and the last one constitutes at least four.
Trainings are conducted in local coordinating centers for teachers/ schools. We conduct them from school environments for greater practical experiences.
Producing competent teachers who can address needs of the learners of the 21st century.
Each participant who portrays competence and full participation in the three cycles that encompasses the ten modules will qualify for a certificate of competence (on request). Qualifying for the reward will not be pre-conditioned by sitting for formal examinations but by writing a research work on topics that shall be decided at its right time.
Company’s competence.
Keliz Publishers is an insightful company, and its training department is managed by profound education specialists who have experience but with required current skills that will transform all trainees into model teachers.
The company’s proficiency is further exhibited in the instructional materials & books it has authored in the past two years. Teachers who attained our first training cycles and that have used some of our books have exhibited a great difference against those who have not used them before.
-about teachers; the availability of competent teachers to address children’s needs for proper growth and development. Holistic learning will be the target for each teacher.
-about learners; learner’s competencies will be reflected in the way they relate with others and the environment, their healthy habits, language development and competences in numeracy. This will be possible because they will be intellectually, socially, spiritually, emotionally and physically prepared by competent teachers.
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